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Coronavirus , Symptoms , Protective Measure

Coronavirus , symptoms, precaution CORONAVIRUS: Recently a virus “coronavirus (nCoV)” identified by scientist  china city Wuhan.  Experts says that it is originated from wild animals i.e. Bats that passed to humans , first found in food market of Wuhan known for wildlife selling.. Basically it’s a family of viruses that include the common cold and more serious diseases and cause severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. It is unclear how deadly the new virus is as disease going undetected. Rapidly increase in cases viral out break has infected  approximately 14550 people around the world Worlds Health Organization declared it epidemic and declared   international public health emergency. Transmission of Coronavirus: Transmission is most likely through person to person via air coughing, sneezing . If somebody touched an infected one or any object contains that virus.  When person touch back it