YE DIL MERA | Aina Findout Mystery About Amaan's "Secret Room"| Mir.Farooq Get To Know Blackmailer Is His Son-in-Law "Amaan"

CAST :Adnan Siddiqui, Ahad Raza Mir, Sajal Aly, Zarnish Khan, Mira Sethi, Farhan Ali Agha, Paras Masroor Badvi, Rabia Butt, Natasha Hussain, Adnan Tariq Qureshi, Hassan Fareed Khan, Maryam Mirza, Naima Khan, Shahnaz Aftab, Zoha Khawaja, Ejaz Ahmed Niazi, Moosa (Child), Hamza Israr, Mansoor Mushtaq & Others.
Directed By:Ahson Talish
Written By:Farhat Ishtiaq
Produced By:Momina Duraid Production

YE DIL MERA | Aina Findout  Mystery About Amaan's  "Secret Room"| Mir.Farooq  Get To Know Blackmailer Is His Son-in-Law "Amaan"

Ye Dil Mera is becoming more desirable as story moves on but episode #24 is worth taking. In last four episode cover story how Mir Farooq  killed Saira, Amman's friend sajid breaks this news that hurts Amman badly, he recall his past trauma and he psychologically got disturb in his sleep he mumble his parents & Ashu. On the other hands Mir.Farooq get to know that his Son-in-Law sold out AK oil refinery without discussing anyone.

 An last two episodes #22&23 find out that Mir.Farooq's long list of sins. He come close to Humair's husband by offering handsome job and plot a plan to get close to Humeria. He send her husband Ubaid to sialkot and in his absence try to beg her to leave Ubaid and merry him. She slapped Mir.Farooq and confesses that she truly loved Ubaid  and hate him he is such a devil.When she resist or insult him he try to raped her, Amaan was little to understand all but he sense that he is doing inappropriate to her mother. On the other hand Aina's mother got insecure from Humaira when she saw Mir.Farooq's jeep at Humaira's gate. He got upset but later Humaira clear her everything about Mir.Farooq beg her to help her in order to safe her from devil Mir.Farooq. Mir farooq's long list of  how he herras Amaan's mother and tried to rape her before it's murder and how Aina's mother get to know that her husband is not loyal to her more he is characterless men who try to rape her best friend.  he commit such heinous sins without even feeling any sense of remorse. 

Amaan's haunting him badly  he cried out badly, Aina warmly embraces him, he ask her not to leave him alone. How Aina take care him while he is screaming badly  the way they executed  scene is palouse worthy. it depicts true picture of their bounding as husband & wife.its heart touching while Aina's try to calm him whole night and help him to escape from his nightmare. she is extremely worried what actually hunting Amaan. The feelings of pain and turmoil are very brilliantly portrayed Ahad. 

Aina is eventually get to know about secret room and Ammaan never permit her to visit that increases her curiosity. Amman's  mysterious attitude urge her to go there, finaly she findout keys and step in that sectrit room. she surprized to see such creepy dark room she shocked to see her and Mir.Farooq's picture. she left wondering a cross with blood on Agha-jaan's picture. While, at the other corner, there are three symbolic graves with tombstones, on garves there was also mentioned the name date of death along murderer name, suddenly Amman reached there and  tells him about the truth about how Mir Farooq brutally killed his family she does not believe him!

Mir Farooq On the other hand  Mir.Farooq and Ali Baksh has traced out Amaan’s number from Saira’s phone. Mir.Farooq's ia extremely worried what to do ...? As Aina is with Ammaan its not easy to kill him. How this chapter will be closed more he scared that what is Aina get to know reality of her beloved Agha-jaan...? First they visited  at Amaan’s house and asks Aina to come with them but she says that she wanted to stay with Ammaan as she wanted to proof her father all the allegations against her father wrong. Aina  loved Amman badly but Agha-jaan is much more. Now, she is not that innocent Aina who scared from little things, sh's ready to know what is reality behind all. Amman confesses that he maried to her just to take his revenge from Mir.Farooq but in all he will not hurm her as she is innocent. Its realy hard for Aina to accept all as it as now she has to solve this mystery about Amman's creepy behaiour, that fits & nightmares. Ammaan alaways cried for family during nightmares as nobody can lie about his family in such a way.  

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